Your First Day

Welcome to Co-op!

We are so excited you will be joining us! 

Keep scrolling to see:

Where to park...

What to bring...

First day nerves...

Helping your child on their day..

What if my child won't participate...

We can't wait to see you!


Where to park

Believe it or not, this is usually the trickiest part of the first day!  The Google Maps takes people to the wrong side of the building if using our mailing address (1312 Sacramento Blvd).  However, there is a large parking lot on the north side of the building. Google Maps will take you to the driveway if you enter this address: 1315 Wright Ave.

We're in the education building of the Northwest United Protestant Church. Our classroom entrance is located through the playground gates. You'll see a sign above our door that says "Preschool" and our logo is on the door.

What to bring

You don't need to bring anything but a change of clothing (and whatever you normally need for an outing). We'll have a snack and art ready.

First day nerves...

Remember, lots of adults and kids can feel nervous the first day. Even we teachers get nervous! A lot is new, and it can be overwhelming. None of us can know everything the first day, so remember to take it easy and ask questions when you have them. 

Helping your child on their first day...

All children react a little differently on their first day. Some stay close to their parent / caregiver and don't want to interact much at first. Others jump right in and begin playing and communicating immediately. Both ways of experiencing the classroom are OK! All children do eventually get comfortable with the classroom, meet friends, and develop favorite activities in Co-op. It is so wonderful you can be there with them to help with this new experience!

What if my child won't participate?

It's okay if they don't want to do an activity, including circle time. Sometimes kids take time to get used to the rhythms of the day but they really do begin to internalize routines fast! Kids can be learning as observers, too.